Empowering the world's professionals to share their stories.

Scripe is on a mission to solve effortless content creation once and for all. We are a globally distributed team dedicated to providing the best possible product with obsessive attention to every detail.

Eva Johanna Egg

Co-Founder & CEO

Eva’s experience over the past years showed her the power of personal branding when she was helping businesses and professionals to grow their personal brands. With Scripe, her mission is to make this power accessible for everyone.

Christoph Meise

Co-Founder & CTO

Christoph has always been fascinated by products and design – with the goal of building an amazing product himself. With Scripe, he translates his deep knowledge and flair for product design into a solution that solves his own content creation problem.

Carmen Jenny

Co-Founder & CMO

Carmen has always been a storyteller by heart, while experiencing the power of personal branding herself. With Scripe, she turns her mission of empowering people to use their voices into a solution that helps everyone to translate their stories into impact.

Scripe is supported by:

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We're hiring!

Join us in building the future of content creation. We're looking for talented individuals who are passionate and driven to join a fast-paced startup environment.

  • Competitive salaries
  • Flexible work hours
  • 30 days of paid vacation
  • Annual team retreats
  • Benefits for you and your family
  • A great work environment

Finally solve your content creation
by simply saying what you think.

No writing skills required

Post creation in seconds

Personalized strategy